Good Sleep … A Step Closer Towards Health and Hormone Harmony!

It’s 3:17 a.m. and I’m wide awake.  I wish I could say this was unusual, but for the last several years, I’ve had the worst trouble sleeping. Not going to sleep … I have no trouble falling asleep. But staying asleep is another matter. For some reason I’ve been waking up between 3 and 4 a.m., like clockwork, and I just can’t go back to sleep. It’s so frustrating and nothing seems to help.

I know I can’t be alone in this, and when I mentioned it to Mandy, she pointed me to her friend, Amber Landsman — a holistic lifestyle coach, wellness consultant and “body hacker” who has done a lot of work in the area of sleep. Amber shared with me some great tips … and as I usually do, I thought of PLANK. I figured if her suggestions were of interest to me, they’d probably be helpful to some of you too. 

Slow & Steady Wins the Race

Two weeks ago, I shared my personal story of what’s been working for me lately as it relates to health and weight loss; and I asked you all to chime in and share your own stories. Because we all have to figure out what works for us.

I was delighted when Hilary, who first wrote a guest blog about this topic last year, reached out to share her update. Congratulations, Hilary, on your great progress … and thanks for sharing some very helpful tips with us! Check out Hilary’s update and what’s worked for her as she’s lost 28 pounds!

Getting (and Staying) Healthy: Finding What Works for You

I know you all must be tired of this topic … and I’m probably beating a really dead horse, but I just can’t seem to help myself. The health and weight loss battle has been a practically life-long struggle for me, and I’m sure many of you too. And maybe that’s why I keep coming back to it – it’s important to me and it also seems to resonate with so many of you. 

My goal in all of this isn’t to tell you what you should do, but rather inspire you to commit to doing SOMETHING. To finding your own path and whatever works best for you.

Skin Care Health: Don’t Stick Your Head in the Sand

Many years ago, I was waiting to get my hair cut and looking through Good Housekeeping magazine when I came across an article on skin cancer. I didn’t really think at the time it would have anything to do with me, but I had time to kill waiting for my appointment, so I read it.

I grew up on the beaches of Southern California before sun block was a given, and looking at the pictures they showed in the article, I thought “hey, I think I might have one of these pre-skin caners they’re talking about.”

So I made an appointment with a recommended dermatologist. She put a magnifying glasses on my face and marked the spots on my forehead and lip that she thought were of concern. Then, she gave me a type of Chemotheropy cream and told me to use it for a month and then switch to Aquaphor healing ointment.  Magic!

Finding (and Maintaining) Balance

Funny things have come from writing this blog … observations. Little things here or there that spark an idea and I think “I need to tuck that away” for future topics. Obviously writing them down would be helpful and probably more productive, but nevertheless, some things keep reappearing in my conscience, and I know it’s something I should talk about. This week, that’s balance … the physical kind. 

As those of you who read PLANK know, I, probably like most of you, wave in and out of my commitment to health and fitness. But, as I get older, I see all around me how important it is. Even though I lose my way sometimes, I always manage to find my way back. Now in my 50s (best decade so far!), I find that everything goes to crap pretty fast. But, if I commit to eating right and, more importantly, EXERCISING as many days a week as I can, I can pull it back from the edge.

My summer on the move: How surfboards, drumsticks and goats inspired me

As I’ve shared in the past, I always feel better when I exercise regularly. But, life can get in the way easily; and once I’m out of the habit, it’s so hard to get back into it. But a little inspiration goes a long way, and that’s what this week’s guest blog, by PLANK editor Mandy, is all about.  

Mandy is one of those people who is always game to try something new … to say “what they heck,” let’s give it a shot. I find that inspiring in all things, but especially in the area of fitness – an area which I think many of us struggle. This summer, Mandy took on a little exercise exploration, and I think you’ll agree that it’s both fun and inspiring.  

My summer on the move: How goats, drumsticks and surfboards inspired me 
by Mandy Denaux

More often than not, when it comes to getting started on a new exercise routine, the toughest part isn’t physical … it’s mental. Sure, there’s usually some commitment of time and money; but for me, even once I’ve made up my mind to take on some goal or plan, actually getting started is still a big hurdle.

Because, let’s be honest, going to a new gym or workout class can feel like your first day at a new school. Where do I go? Where is the bathroom? What if I mess up and the other kids laugh at me? Okay, so perhaps it’s not that bad, but it can feel like it. Especially when you’ve been “out of the game” for a while!

The Heavy Burden of Losing Weight

My friend and editor in chief, Mandy, is a superstar. Tackling anything that comes her way with enthusiasm and gusto!  I was so happy she is willing to share her story with our PLANK community.  Many of us (absolutely me too) could write some version of this story. I think my version is on a loop every Monday too.  
We would love to hear your comments, and let’s support each other … maybe even start a challenge if that would help everyone find motivation. 
Oh life, such a crazy path we follow …