Getting Back on the Wagon with Real Food

If you saw my Instagram last weekend, you saw I was reading the Whole30. Truthfully, I am always looking for something to help me finally get my weight down, and stabilize it without the up and down fluctuations. It’s been something I’ve struggled with, to some degree, for most of my life. And I’m sure it’s something to which many of you can relate. I’m sure some of you can also relate to my approach to this. I see or hear about some new weight loss fad, some diet that worked for someone I know or read about in a magazine, and I’m in. Over the years I’ve tried so many I can’t count … and while I often start strong, I have fallen off “my own wagon” so many times that it’s a miracle I’m not all battered and bruised! Then I pick myself up, find a new thing and begin to work my way back. It’s a continual cycle for me, and it’s maddening!!!!

Beef Bourguignon

When my kids were younger, I made Julia Child’s Beef Bourguignon and I’ll never forget my youngest son’s reaction – “Mom, this is the best thing I’ve ever tasted.” The dish is a little time intensive, so it’s not something I make often, but the result is well worth the time spent! This dark, rich dish remains one of my family’s favorites.

So, if you have a special occasion, or if you’re entertaining friends and family, give this dish a try!