Parenting reflection

As a parent we realize we have to change with the times, go with the flow of our children growing up. How often do you meet people with older kids and think, oh my God I couldn’t handle that? Well I guess, luckily, we grow as they grow (or maybe they toughen us up along the way).

I felt when my children were young that 10 years went by and ‘I woke up.’ When you have small children there is so much going on, so much need, chaos, driving them all over the place. Thank God for all the love and kisses to help us through…

Once they get to high school, time really accelerates and so does the level of worry and aggravation. I almost think it’s like nine months of pregnancy…by the end you can’t wait to get that baby out. You ask yourself often …”what happened to my sweet 10-year-old that endlessly shouted out…”mommy watch.” I mourn the loss of that, but watching them become adults is pretty incredible. Luckily for me my children get along extremely well. But I also nurtured their relationships from the beginning. There was no “I hate you’s” – they either got along or they spent time alone. That has paid off hugely now that they are older.

It’s interesting with this generation … growing up and taking care of themselves seems to be so difficult. I talk to so many early 20 year olds and they are all afraid to get rolling on life. I was excited to get on my own, have my own apartment, etc. Even if I was waiting tables, I knew I was self-sufficient.

My son graduated from college in May and the job he has lined up doesn’t start until July. He has odd jobs to give him a little money until then and an incredible apartment to stay in with a friend at the beach. After a month of hanging out at home, driving me crazy, I suggested he ‘mosey on’ into adult life and that beach apartment. I tried to impress upon him that, this is it…life starts NOW.

Reluctantly he went…when I called the next day and asked how he was, he replied “lonely” (oh brother). I let four days go by and invited him to dinner … it was great. He said he liked being on his own and was having a good time (double oh brother). While I am glad he is getting along on his own, I felt like I had to sort of shove him out so he could start adulthood.

For some crazy reason I was under the impression you were sort of done parenting when the kids turn 18…Hmmm?? I need to reevaluate that…

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