Make a commitment to yourselves, Moms

The other day when I set out to make the video for Hybrid Mom’s Mother’s Day contest, I really got to thinking about how things go…especially with motherhood. We all most likely started out fairly pulled together, getting dressed in the morning, complete with hair blown dry and make-up and headed out to work or to at least ready to start our day.

Then come the things that make us scramble through our day. Juggling our husband, children, jobs, house, groceries, dinner, baths…oh my, the list could go on forever. Recently a young mom friend of mine was venting to me that when her husband ‚babysits‛ while she runs out he is constantly calling her about how much longer she would be out. How is it ‚babysitting‛ with them??? It is truly amazing how much us moms can handle. The doriginal multi-taskers! Somewhere in between all those tasks, though, it’s very easy for us to forget about ourselves, our own well being and even our appearances – and believe me when I say I’m no exception.

As I have said before I love projects and gardening. So often after exercising in the morning, I don’t want to take a shower right away because if I’m all cleaned up I don’t want to get dirty again in the yard. More times than not, the day will get away from me and I will still be a slob at 5pm, hoping to get a shower. The days I don’t let that happen I certainly feel better. A little makeup goes along way. A manicure now and then makes a huge difference.

I have been lucky over the years in that, working in television, I have had my clothes picked out by experts and my hair and make- up done by professionals. My photos (in that area) have always been touched up. A lot goes into looking your best for the camera. Obviously that isn’t necessary for us every day, but we can try to give it some effort and make a commitment to ourselves not to let it all go.

This Hybrid Mom makeover is a great opportunity to make some changes, but more importantly maybe it will jump start you to find the time for yourself every day (or as many days as you can). You’ll be amazed how much better you will feel.

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