A fun return to the past and a great make-up tip

As I mentioned in my last blog I was returning to As The World Turns (ATWT) in New York for a few days. The travel was tough. Out of my house on the west coast to catch a 7 a.m. flight and both workdays I was to be picked up at Grand Central Station at 6:25 a.m. I maneuvered all that, mostly on adrenaline. Man was I tired, but it was worth it. The ride out to Brooklyn was a pleasure. Catching up with people I haven’t seen in a while was great. It was great seeing the gang at the studio. The man who now portrays my ex-husband on the show, Jon Lindstrom, played my boyfriend on the first soap I ever did in I think 1984…that was a hoot…we haven’t aged a bit…ha-ha. 

The wonderful thing about soap operas has always been steady employment and if you are in the arts, that is such a blessing because it is certainly not the norm. Now after 50 years this show is ending next month, something no one ever thought would happen. Like so many people in this country, they must all reinvent, but the great thing about this visit was to see everyone fired up, making plans. It was nice to hear people’s plans for the future. Scary yes, but very proactive and I believe most people are excited as to what is to come. We all like to be in our comfort zone, but shaking things up in your life (or having it shaken up for you) can open up opportunities you hadn’t expected.

There is one thing I wanted to share with all of you. A make-up artist named Annette has been at ATWT for years and she does the best eyebrows I have ever seen. So I had another makeup artist video her application so you could all learn from her technique. Even if you don’t think you need it now, you might in the future. I had nice full brows when I was younger and they seem to be heading out. Thinning, getting lighter…holes…anyway it’s always fun to see a new ‘beauty approach.’

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