Having Vision – an Interview with Christopher Sean

I recently had the pleasure of working with Christopher Sean, who has just joined the cast of THE BAY. I know Christopher from Days of Our Lives, but getting to spend an entire weekend on set with him, I was reminded of what an inspiration he is. As he talked about his goals and his belief in the law of attraction, I was struck by his whole approach to life. I kept thinking I’ve got to remember this – both for myself and for my kids! But then I thought, what better way to remember it than to feature it here! Plus, his message is so great that I just had to share with all of you.

So, I convinced him to join me for a quick little interview during our lunch break (excuse my messy hair and make-up from shooting). I think we can all take something away from what he has to say. Enjoy … and maybe we can all make creating a vision board our next project!!




  1. This was fun! As a Licensed Psychotherapist in Newport Beach, Calif, this is some of what I do, especially when I’m in the life-coaching phase of our therapy. I help people blueprint a path to their goals, so I’m a big believer in having them do vision boards.
    I also agree with what he said about handwriting vs typing: there have been studies done that show a greater result with doing the longhand over just clicking a few keyboard keys… I loved seeing this, so Thank You for posting it for all of us to enjoy!💕

  2. Thanks, Mary Beth 🙂 Great interview with a very wise gentleman. Christopher’s phrase “Though uncomfortability comes growth” really struck a chord with me. And what you said about fear holding us back from being open to change is so very true. In my job I’ve recently been given additional responsibilities and it has been a struggle to move out of my “comfort zone” and embrace them rather than fear them. Your interview with Christopher has encouraged me to get over being uncomfortable and embrace the growth that will happen from learning new things. Thank you both for sharing your insight. Plank Blog is a wonderful source for inspiration and I look forward to it each week 🙂

    • Loretta Renken

      I am turning 55 next week and this speaks to me. It is what I needed to hear. I am looking at the rest of my life and thinking what will I do with the time I have left. I want to die with no regrets! Thank you Mary Beth and Christopher!

  3. Absolutely great conversation. We all are worthy of. Thank you💛

  4. Mary Beth,

    What a great interview!! Loved it!!
    Christopher really inspired me to make a vision board.
    Loved it when you said that something positive happened when you got offered ATWT after GH.
    So glad you did that show so I got the chance to know you.
    I followed you since ATWT and you inspire me so much with your positive outlook on life.
    Thanks for sharing this video.


  5. Love this blog post!! Thank you Mary Beth, Christopher, Mandy & Brad for sharing your thoughts and providing inspiration. I love the idea of a vision board!
    I also live in the moment and have a hard time looking years down the road. (Drives my husband nuts thought, especially when he asks me what I want to be doing 5, 10, 20 yrs down the road.) I just never know what road life will take us down, so it is hard to plan years later. But I do know what would be fun to do or where it would be fun to live years down the path of life.
    I agree we need to stay humble and kind and not let life change who we are. And remember where we come from.
    One of my favorite quotes is: ‘Be the change you wish to see in this world,’ by Gandhi. No one is going to do it for you, so if you want something bad enough, you will find a way to make it happen.
    Thank you all again for a wonderful, inspiring post!

  6. Traci Whiting

    Like Deidre said “I’d follow you anywhere!”

  7. Great V-Blog as usual. Loved the positive attitude and ideas shared by you and Christopher and the other two people. Very inspiring and informative. Thank you for sharing with your fans. Looking forward to next time.

  8. Mary Beth your blog about what happened to the crayons, your words of kindness and then the vblog today are writing my lessons plans for next yr. loved what Christopher said about well everything. My students have completed a kindnesschallenge and next yr my new 5th graders will have vision boards in my class to see and talk about on a regular basis. Thank you for you your positive comments and caring heart you have inspirational words that have affected not just myself but my family and especially my students. They love Plankblog and they check on Thursdays waiting for it to be posted. Thank you again for sharing

  9. This was a perfect video blog. Now if I can only get my son to listen to it…..sigh..

    • Jacquie Sallemi

      Wait till he is somewhere close by, click on it and start watching. He’ll hear it. Maybe even comment on it. Keep doing it, eventually it will soak in subliminally. A Covert Parent tip.

  10. Deidre Hall

    Loved this message. Love everything you share but the in depth chat was delightful. I’d follow you anywhere. Deidre

  11. Mary Beth I loved listening to you and Christopher! You are both such inspirational people with amazing qualities! The vision board is such a great Idea for so many aspects in life, and I definitely how it would b a confidence booster and make people more optimistic! I really liked hearing from Mandy and Brad too, great info 😊
    Thanks for sharing this with us!

  12. Thank you MB and Christopher! There are times when you need a “refresher” or a message like this to get out of a rut and the like. I’m between jobs and feeling a little low; but know I need to put the negative aside and work on goals to move forward. I know the next thing is around the corner; but as also stated help comes to those who help themselves too. Having the focus is helping yourself get started and hopefully puts the good things in motion. I also agree with you Christopher about treating those like you want to be treated with the respect they deserve.

    Nice blog this week!

  13. Very powerful, I agree about making the bed, your first accomplishment of the day!! ❤️

  14. Honestly, Christopher Sean really does treat everyone he meets like they are the most important person! I got the chance to be one of the background players on The Bay that day and I experienced that first hand. He came up, introduced himself as he stuck his hand out to shake mine, and smiled and looked in my eyes as I introduced myself to him. And he did that with each and every one of us. He really is incredibly sweet and genuine. He also mentioned my favorite quote ever. “Watch your thoughts, they become words; watch your words, they become actions; watch your actions, they become habits; watch your habits, they become character; watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.” I’ve had this quote on my refrigerator since my daughters were very young and it’s still there today to inspire my granddaughter. I absolutely believe Christopher Sean will go far in this life. He’s too important not to!

  15. Kellie fogg

    What a great blog. Christopher is one of the good guys. Both of you are so postive in everything. Love it. Hope Christopher acheaves everything on his vision board

  16. I love this! I can’t wait to try this out with my clients! How great is it to look forward to what you can achieve instead of looking back to where you may have failed!

  17. Andrea W

    Wow! Such a powerful interview! Thank you Mary Beth. I’ve never had a vision board before but will now. Christopher was so encouraging and positive. His outlook on life is one to be admired. I loved Mandy and Brad sharing about what they do. I think keeping yourself grounded like Brad was talking about is so important. It’s easy for people to caught up in what they are doing or in themselves. I love how Mandy not only has her board but talks about it with her friend. It’s always easier to stay focus on what we’re doing when we have support from our friends.
    Being positive and kind is very important to me. I love that Christopher really focused on it. Kind words, treating everyone as equals, always having a positive attitude and so much more. We all should strive to live our lives the same way. Thank you! Andrea

  18. Cindy Martinez

    Right on!!!! Felt like that was a power boost you add to your juice drink. I will be putting that smile on. A million thanks for sharing this boost

  19. Wonderful message! Thank you for sharing, Mary Beth, Christopher, and friends! I watched this twice so as to not miss a syllable. Living life as a “force for good” for ourselves and others makes a positive difference in every life we touch.

  20. Susan Nolen (Suzzy1969)

    I loved this inspiring video blog today Mary Beth!….what an amazing young man Christopher is!….I love this idea of having a vision board! You and him both have such a positive attitude and I love that! And a shout out to Mandy for doing these great video blogs! Another wonderful positive blog today! You all Rock!!!!

  21. Firstly MB you do soar…in everything you do. That is how I see you. Secondly I really enjoyed listening to Christopher. What a dynamic strong willed young man. I hope you achieve all your dreams on your vision board Christopher. A final shout out to Mandy! So great to see you and listen to your story as well.
    Another really enjoyable and challenging interview. Enjoyable to listen to, but inspiring to accept the challenge presented. Great stuff team Plank!!

  22. Another inspirational blog. Reminds us to be good to ourselves and others. Leads us back to the ultimate vision of kindness♥

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