1. Kayla Sheaffer

    The south side of Crete…Your 18th birthday in Spain…Clogs in Copenhagen…That is sooooo freaking fabulous! A trip of a lifetime! You needed that time to experience and solidify that friendship forever because after you both returned I bet it was tough when Carrie moved but the amazing thing is….had none of that happened the way that it did you might not have met and fallen madly in love with for partner and future and father of your children…And as for that love for acting and the path you took from that point on with Michael and your career we would’ve never found our dear Sweetness! Viva La Europa!

  2. Joanne Conte

    I actually did the blogs backwards, part 2 first and now part 1. I can’t believe that cracks give you the creeps also. I get itchy when I see cracks, especially parched dry cracked ground. I haven’t a clue why I have that phobia though! Another question, maybe for a future q and a. If you had come to NYC, would you have tried theater, and would that ever be a possibility in the future?

  3. Georgia L

    These Q&As are always my favourite posts! Thanks Mary Beth for your tidbits of advice and your generosity of time for us here in fan land..I can’t wait for part 2 xx

  4. how Steve and Kim Learn ASL on Days of our lives Classics

  5. Abby Scurlock

    Thank you for this fun video! I watched this yesterday and today I’m going to share it with someone that will also really enjoy this😊

  6. Thank you Mary Beth for another great video blog! I love hearing about your work on Days as well as your personal life. Thank you for always being so willing to talk your fans.

  7. Wonderful!! I can relate to a lot of what you say about parenting because my kids are in their 20s too! It was easier when they were younger and it was easier to control everything.

  8. What a unique set of questions! Loved it.

  9. I LOVE these q and a’s. I never ever tire of them. Thanks MB!

  10. MaryBeth loved this weeks post. You seem so happy and always give of yourself. Thank you! I have tried many of your recipes and they do not disappoint.

  11. Thanks, Mary Beth! That is great advice about adult “kids”! I agree with your friend, Carrie. It is easier to put them in the crib, pull up the side and know they’re good! The not being in control is an adjustment. But, very wise words from you about letting them do their thing without judgment. I try to do that as well so that I am a safe place for them to share and talk. Thanks again! πŸ™‚

  12. Cindy Nelson

    TY Mary Beth for another great blog with advice on parenting. I have felt like the parenting of kids in their 20’s is like having a pre- teen again. I also agree no matter how old they are you are always going to be the I’ll help you bc I’m your mother. I hope to do a better job of not saying I told you so, after they follow their own lead and fail…..I loved your explanation of staying busy and doing a hundred things at once. I am just glad you chose to bring PLANK back and share with us your insight on life.

  13. I enjoyed the comments on parenting / coaching as well. I love the Q&A, both seeing people’s great questions and your answers. And whomever picked the P!nk song (Mandy?) you go, girl.

  14. this was wonderful. thanks for giving so much of yourself. thanks to mandy also.

  15. Susan Nolen (suzzy1969)

    Thank you Mary Beth for these questions and answers video blogs!….i always love these and enjoy listening to your answers!…I could sit and listen to you talk all day long!….and i was excited to see you answered my question about what was your favorite memory from your teenage years! As always, thanks for sharing a little piece of your life with us fans!

  16. ILoveMySnK

    Thanks for doing these MB! My takeaway – this parenting thing isn’t ever going to be easy. Lol! Looking forward to the next round.

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