The Unexpected Role Model

Recently, I was talking with Mandy, my PLANK editor, about our experiences as advocates with CASA of Los Angeles. She recounted a recent experience and I was so moved by the story that I asked her to share it with you.


I remember when I was 8 years old I had a teacher named Mrs. Pickens. She was pretty and smart … and I wanted to be just like her. In the (many) years since then, my role models have come in many forms – teachers, bosses, friends … even an actress or two. Each of them serving to inspire and motivate me … or perhaps demonstrating a trait or position to which I aspired. Typical stuff from the people you’d expect. But, a few weeks ago, I found a role model in the unlikeliest of places.

Time Flies …

I realize more and more each day that what they say is true … as you get older time just zips by! I can’t believe this week marks our one year anniversary of launching PLANK. What an adventure it’s been! I spent some time this morning looking back over our posts from the past year, and boy did we cover a WIDE range of topics and ideas.  I have to say, 12 videos, 29 recipes, 52 posts, 294 images and 746 comments later, I’m so proud of this site – proud of how it looks and how unique it is, and proud that I think we achieved what we set out to do, which was to have something each week that would inspire you. A huge thanks goes to Mandy for making me appear literate, for getting a post up every week and for her graphics (they have been so fun and creative).  

Finding Everyday Lovely

This week, I had the pleasure of meeting and having lunch with actress Lorraine Toussaint. It’s not surprising that – despite our similar ages, having worked in the same industry (and with some of the same people) for many years and having a TON in common – that we’d never met. But as soon as she sat down and pulled out her Eyebob glasses, I knew we’d be fast friends. And when she started sharing her vision for her new venture, Everyday Lovely, I knew this would likely be the first of many lunches.

The Anti-resolution Resolution

I’ll be honest … I’m having a hard time coming up with a topic for this week’s blog. With the holidays and New Year celebrations behind us, I’d love to have some inspirational post about my many hopes and goals for the coming year. And I really intended to write that. But, as I imagine many of you have, I’ve had to hit the ground running at such a speed I’ve barely had time to come down from the relaxing break.

We all have a role to play

I started PLANK as a place to discuss things I enjoy … activities that enhance my life, like entertaining, gardening and cooking; as well as topics related to love, life and family. A platform for inspired living … that’s what I hoped to create.

But this week, as I considered recipes, holiday decorations and other typical topics, my heart and mind just weren’t in it. Instead, my heart and mind were with the families and victims of last week’s shooting in San Bernardino. How could I write about my favorite holiday stuffing, or how I plan celebrate the holidays, when so many families won’t be celebrating at all?

When I started this blog, I imagined it being a platform for discussion on many topics; but I never intended for it to be anything close to political. And that’s still the case, but this week I just can’t pretend that this isn’t a preventable situation or that politics won’t play a vital role in such prevention. This doesn’t have to be our new normal. We absolutely can do something about innocent people being gunned down every single day. We must do better.

Sitting Down for a Chat

I’ve mentioned before that I love reading your comments, and I appreciate when you take the time to respond, share your own experiences and ask questions. Recently, a reader sent in an email full of great questions, so I decided to use them as an opportunity to sit down for another video blog. Thanks, Sandie Coco, for your great comments and questions … please keep them coming!

Exercise Party

Last week I read a blog that I found interesting and thought I would share.

by Monica Davis (

I exercise a lot. I exercise as a job and I exercise for fun.  I exercise in the morning and I exercise at night, sometimes both in one day if I’m feeling sassy!

I wasn’t always a fit little lady.  Some days, I don’t consider myself a fit person at all.  I call those days my ‘fat days’ and that’s not kind to myself or to people who are actually fat.  And fuck it, I’ll say ‘fat’ because lots of fat people are owning that word because they’re taking the power back, like ‘queer’ and what not.