Last week, I had so much fun answering your questions from Instagram that I couldn’t stop. So this week, I’m sharing the second half. We’ll definitely do this again!!
You Wanted to Know … Part 2
You Wanted to Know …
Earlier this week, I reached out and asked you to send me some questions for today’s blog, and I was overwhelmed by the response! So many great questions, and I tackled as many as I could. In fact, there were too many for this week, so tune in next week for more where this came from!!
A Journey through Skincare
Recently, several people have commented about my skin, and asked about my skincare routine. While I have been lucky to have not had major skin issues, I do, like most women (and men), suffer from the occasional breakout. Add to that dry skin, and the issues that come with aging (I mean who would have thought I’d still be dealing with pimples when wrinkles started to appear?) and it’s become more and more important to me to take good care of my skin.
I’ve always been a firm believer in clean skin; and over the years, I’ve tried all kinds of cleansers and moisturizers – everything from drug store soap to expensive creams. Electric brushes and magic serums … I’ve tried those too. But I’ve only recently found a skincare regime that I think is really right for my skin. And the truth is, I didn’t find it on my own … I had the help of an excellent esthetician!
Getting Back on the Wagon with Real Food
If you saw my Instagram last weekend, you saw I was reading the Whole30. Truthfully, I am always looking for something to help me finally get my weight down, and stabilize it without the up and down fluctuations. It’s been something I’ve struggled with, to some degree, for most of my life. And I’m sure it’s something to which many of you can relate. I’m sure some of you can also relate to my approach to this. I see or hear about some new weight loss fad, some diet that worked for someone I know or read about in a magazine, and I’m in. Over the years I’ve tried so many I can’t count … and while I often start strong, I have fallen off “my own wagon” so many times that it’s a miracle I’m not all battered and bruised! Then I pick myself up, find a new thing and begin to work my way back. It’s a continual cycle for me, and it’s maddening!!!!
Meeting People, Making Friends & Dancing!
As this Summer unfolded, I was dismayed by my lack of plans. My family and friends had busy summer schedules, and even though I worked, I still had some free weeks. I am never one to sit still, so, as always when I have no plans, I got moving.
First, I re-committed to exercising more (I know I always say that, but it’s true!). Then I looked for “crafty projects” – did you see our blog on cupcakes? When the weekends rolled around, I grabbed them with gusto! My husband and I rented (junky) boats and challenged our seamanship, went paddle boarding and hiked … anything outdoors! We made the most of those two days, so by Monday we felt we’d really had a vacation, albeit a mini vacation. And that seemed to make all the difference in the world. Each week, we came back refreshed, rested and connected … which, I have to say, after being married almost 31 years, is invaluable.
Then, after not really leaving home all summer, I have spent the last three weekends traveling. Two of those trips were spent reconnecting with viewers of Days of Our Lives, first in Nashville and then in NYC. As I have mentioned before, for me and my fellow castmates, it often feels like we work in a warehouse with just our friends, and we rarely see anyone else at the studio. Plus, we are all working our hardest to keep up with the lightening speed of the production each day that we have very little time to even socialize with each other.
On the Farm – Touring with Missy & Scott Reeves
I first met this beautiful gal in in 1986, when I joined the cast of Days of Our Lives, and she was (and still is) the doll baby of the universe. She was only 18, but had already been on the show for a year.
About 10 years ago, Missy and her adorable husband, Scott, decided to leave the rat race of Southern California and head to Nashville, Tenn. Scott, who had been doing soaps for quite a while, is also an amazing singer/song writer … who had evidently always wanted to be a farmer. Nashville was a great fit.
Tomorrow is Dancing!
When I first met this week’s guest blogger, I was a 19-year-old girl from a Southern California beach town; while she was, as I perceived it, a sophisticated woman living in Manhattan. She could have easily been intimidating, especially because I was dating her first-born son. But, she was anything but.
From day one, Judy has welcomed me with open arms. Since then, she has always listened to me, and has given me sound, measured advice only when I ask for it. She has set the most amazing example of how to be an incredible mother-in-law and grandmother; and she has shown by example how to grow older with grace and incredible stamina. Judy once told me “the 50s are great!” And she was so right – they really are such a wonderful time in my life. Now she says, “oh no, the 80s are the best!”