You Asked … Mary Beth Answers Your Questions (Part 2)

We’re back for more of your questions! I love these video blogs because I have so much fun reading your questions and hearing your feedback. I hope you enjoy watching as much as I did filming. 

We couldn’t get to all of the questions, but we’ll definitely be back for more of these in the future, so keep you eyes on my Instagram account … I’ll post a call for questions there. 

As always, thanks for your continued support!!

Making it Happen: Kelly Wilkness’ Soulful Story of Reinvention

Last week, I introduced you to Kelly Wilkness, the lovely woman who had beautifully renovated a home near mine. When I first met Kelly, I was impressed with her style and her vision in taking on such big project. But, as I’ve had the opportunity to spend time with Kelly, there’s so much more to inspire!

A wife and mother of two girls, Kelly is a former trial attorney. After deciding to take some time off from that career, Kelly took a chance on her writing by starting a blog, My Soulful Home. Over the years, the blog grew from its crafty start to a wonderful spot full of home inspiration, including design ideas, gardening tips, recipes and more. Blogging soon led to a podcast, and before she knew it, Kelly was a published author with a beautiful book, My Soulful Home: A Year in Flowers

House Envy: A Victorian renovation with heart & soul

Several months ago, I was walking in an area near my home and I saw the most beautiful house. I’d walked past this old Victorian home on many occasions, and had even been inside during an open house … but on this day it was like looking at a new house!

As someone who loves architecture and is constantly considering a remodeling of my own, I had to know more. So, I knocked on the door and met the sweetest woman, Kelly, who was responsible for this house’s unbelievable transformation. A former prosecutor who shares my love of architecture, design, gardening and more, Kelly was so inspiring … and a perfect fit for PLANK!

Celebrating 30 years with Banana Cake

My son, Danny, has never liked sweets, including cake (how did that happen?). So this past weekend, as we celebrated his 30th birthday, I made this banana cake recipe.

I make this in round cake pans, and this year I doubled the recipe and did four layers, with frosting and sliced bananas in between each layer. Then, I chopped walnuts and, using my hands, I covered the side of the cake.

Be Kind.

Some people might say I am a Pollyanna, but I prefer to believe in the good in people. I have always gravitated toward good-hearted, honest, NO DRAMA people. I have no interest in gossiping about others and I deplore that “sport” in others. 

As my children were growing up, I never accepted the invitations to “Margarita Mondays” with other mothers of their classmates because I didn’t want to participate in talking about the kids or their families.

The gossip mill is toxic and I refused to be a part of it.

My summer on the move: How surfboards, drumsticks and goats inspired me

As I’ve shared in the past, I always feel better when I exercise regularly. But, life can get in the way easily; and once I’m out of the habit, it’s so hard to get back into it. But a little inspiration goes a long way, and that’s what this week’s guest blog, by PLANK editor Mandy, is all about.  

Mandy is one of those people who is always game to try something new … to say “what they heck,” let’s give it a shot. I find that inspiring in all things, but especially in the area of fitness – an area which I think many of us struggle. This summer, Mandy took on a little exercise exploration, and I think you’ll agree that it’s both fun and inspiring.  

My summer on the move: How goats, drumsticks and surfboards inspired me 
by Mandy Denaux

More often than not, when it comes to getting started on a new exercise routine, the toughest part isn’t physical … it’s mental. Sure, there’s usually some commitment of time and money; but for me, even once I’ve made up my mind to take on some goal or plan, actually getting started is still a big hurdle.

Because, let’s be honest, going to a new gym or workout class can feel like your first day at a new school. Where do I go? Where is the bathroom? What if I mess up and the other kids laugh at me? Okay, so perhaps it’s not that bad, but it can feel like it. Especially when you’ve been “out of the game” for a while!