Recommitting to Yourself: Inside & Out

I recently had three weeks off of work, and while it’s always nice to get a break, with my family and friends all busy, I wondered what I’d do with the time. I decided that it would be a great time to take care of some  things I’d been procrastinating … to take care of me. So, I got a physical, a mammogram and a colonoscopy, and I worked out almost every day. I also used the time to try a few new things …

Trust me, I understand how hard it is to pull ourselves away from the daily grind and find the time take care of ourselves. But really, if we don’t take care of us … who will? So this week’s video blog is a little recap of my recommitment to myself – my health, my fitness and a little beauty too – in hopes that it inspires you to find some time for yourself! 



  1. Stacey AKA BraveWidowMama

    Mary Beth,
    Thank you so much for putting together this community of awesome women! I’ve connected with some wonderful people here.

    I am going through early menopause and have been struggling with the decision about whether to do the hormones. I’ve had sleep disturbances and debilitating migraines. It’s such a personal decision that so many of us face and so few discuss. Thank you for opening up the dialogue.

    As a single parent, I take my health very seriously. It’s my responsibility to take care of myself so that I can be a strong and healthy mama. I don’t know anyone who looks forward to mammograms and pap smears. This coming October, I’ll be 50 and facing the colonoscopy. We all have people who love us and we are extremely lucky to live in a time when tests like this can find cancers early when they can be treated.

    Thanks again for bringing up these topics. It was a good reminder for me.

  2. Jacquie Sallemi

    Thank you for this blog post Mary Beth it was very informative. And yes I always have to recommit every day practically. you’re correct, You have to take care of yourself because who else will. When you do go out and you have your makeup on and you blow dry your hair and you know you look good you feel good you project a more confident air about yourself. Other people sit up and notice they treat you differently. I love the way you presented your information and one of the things you mentioned fitnessblender is amazing because every day you can have all kinds of different exercises and routines another thing is I looked up 50 year old women and squats and it’s amazing the women who are eating mostly plant-based that’s not always my thing but I could definitely eat a lot more vegetarian meals instead of meat based meals.
    I enjoy plank blog immensely. Lots of great ideas & fun.
    I usually schedule my doctor visits around my birthday and the ones for my daughters also. It works well for me as I am a procrastinator.
    Suggestion: I found an amazing lady on YouTube (amazing) Terri Savelle Foy. she talks about vision boards discipline habits how to not procrastinate just check it out it’s worth a lot thank you so much Mary Beth as always I love watching you on Days of Our Lives and everything else you do. Take care. Jacquie

  3. Lori Olheiser

    Thank you Mary Beth for sharing with us. It is so easy in our everyday lives to get caught up. Kids, husband, house, career… some days there is little time left over for ourselves. It is so important to take care of both our bodies as well as our minds. After a diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis a year ago and turning 50 this year, I knew it was time to start taking better care of myself. I have learned to say no (not a word usually in my vocabulary) and yes to doing what is necessary to keep my body healthy and feeling as good as it can. It took a disease for me to recommit to myself. For others out there, do it because you are worth it!

  4. Michelle Gray

    This weeks blog made me feel really guilty as I am overdue for my check ups except for the mammogram which I have had. Totally agree, it is important to take care of yourself inside and out. Looking forward to seeing how your facial procedure goes, don’t know if I fancy the needles or not. Lol.

  5. Thank you so much for another motivational blog. You’ve inspired me to make an effort to getting back to working out. I really miss it, especially yoga. All that stretching seems to open me up, literally and figuratively. My work is very busy right now. So my “current” excuse is that there’s not enough time in the day for everything. Gotta recommit and find a way! Oh and thanks for sharing your menopause experience and how it can be so different for everyone. Hormones can do crazy, unrecognizable things to your body and sometimes your mind too.

  6. Another great blog! I just went to a training for work yesterday and we talked about how important it is not only for our physical health but our mental health as well to take care of ourselves. We were talking more in terms of anxiety and depression, but I think it fits here…the three most important things you can do for yourself are get at least 8 hours of sleep a night, eat healthy and exercise. I am great at preaching this to my clients, but not so much about practicing it myself! Maybe this blog will help me get motivated! Thanks for being so open with is!

  7. Dear Mary Beth,

    Such a great, insightful, interesting, entertaining vblog as is your Plankblog each and every week but especially love your vblogs! Giving away your secrets ;)) ~ 😉😙😘❤❤ 👌Thanks so much for always carefreely sharing so much of yourself with us. #beautyinsideandout ~ So true, really does come down to us. If we don’t invest in the time to take/look after ourselves~ health, beauty, well-being no one is really going to. Friends and family can be their to nurture, support, guide and offer advice but ultimately all is up to us~ to not ignore, make light of signs- what is going on (happening) with our bodies. Just came from getting myself a blood test as prescribed by my GP as have been feeling quite dizzy, light-headed and run-down of late and told my blood-pressure is fine (normal) and don’t present exact symptoms of vertigo. Now await results. Aside from this on lighter note~ not much one to pamper and treat myself (tho probably should) but love attending my local gym although must admit don’t go as often as I did but do have PT (personal trainer) that I see for session once a week. Possibly high-time to “Recommit, recommit” !! 😊❤❤💪👊✊💖💕

    Love always,

    Lorena Valenzuela

  8. Misty Schumacher

    Love your message today Mary Beth. I’m trying to take better care of myself. I’m a stress eater and have weight issues. I hate going to the gym because of my body image. I have found a wonderful piece of workout equipment called Body Gym. Its portable and I can carry it everywhere I go. It works by resistance bands for upper body, core and lower body exercise. Check it out you may love it as much as me. Thanks for doing these blogs I have learned a lot of good and new thing from them. Keep them coming.

  9. My gosh, we are so much alike! I love to ” play” too! Always ready for a new adventure, no matter how small or simple! Your words of wisdom are so inspiring. I’m gonna schedule that colonoscopy, just because by body is telling me to! My mother has always told me” if you don’t care of yourself who will” so very true! Thank you for being so real with us your fans! We do love you just because you act like you know us each personally! Blessings! Kelley

  10. Follow up is the best advice! I was diagnosed with a heart murmur in 2007. I had one Echo but never had a follow-up. I got a new Dr. who requested a new one. One month later I was in it the OR having open heart surgery. As a physician’s daughter I should have known better. It is imperative that you take control of your body.

  11. First I wanted to say how much I enjoy your blog every week. You touch on everything! This one was especially important for your fans to hear especially when it comes to your health. I’m going to share a little story and I hope I don’t make it into a long one since I do tend to go on and on and on. (And forget it if I have a couple of wines I won’t shut up – but too early for that!).

    The beginning of 2014 my oldest sister went for a mammogram. She had ZERO intentions on even making the appointment in the first place. A few years back she started with high blood pressure so she “HAS” to see her doctor once a year to stay on top on that issue. This doctor would ask her over and over again, “Did you make your mammogram appointment yet”. She would tell him she will but she would procrastinate and never would make it. Her next appointment with her doctor he asked her again. She finally promised him she would and she kept her promise. After 16 years since her first mammogram she had her second one done. She felt great and never in her life did she think she would get a call back to say they found a spot. She had to get a followup one and then a biopsy and sure enough she had breast cancer. My sister changed. You couldn’t even talk with her. She bottled everything up, was angry and I’m sure very scared. She is a wife and a mother of two teenage girls, one in high school and the other in college. Before she found out what the next step would be, she had herself dead and buried within 3 months. She kept saying if I only went every year and kept up with it. She had a second scare when they saw a spot on her other breast but thank God it turned out to be nothing. She did need a mastectomy and she had a good year of recovery plus reconstructive surgeries. She was never a vain person so this never bothered her in the sense of losing one of her breasts. She was given a second chance. God is good. If her primary doctor didn’t keep telling her to make an appointment she very well may have never made one. She felt great…so why make a doctor appointment right? We have to remove that train of thought from our mind. Things today could have been very different if she didn’t make that appointment that day. She could be battling a worse stage of breast cancer today or may not even be here with us. My elderly parents could have buried their first born…. not to sound so harsh but it’s reality and the truth. I’m sharing this story because maybe someone that keeps putting off her mammogram is reading this right now and will make that appointment (today). Sad to say it woke me up! I NEVER had one! I was 44 when my sister found out she had breast cancer and two weeks after she had her mastectomy I had my first mammogram. I had the mentality that I felt fine so I am fine. I was nervous as hell but each year now they are clean and my sister is cancer free.

    Thanks again MB for always have great topics and conversions going on your blog.
    ~ Paula

  12. After reading this, I’m super convicted to go to this Dr’s appointment … I’ve been putting off an appointment for a long time out of fear of what the results may be.. But from this I realize we only have one shot at this life, and I have to choose to stop living in fear. MB, thank you for this blog. Ppl may think it’s weird to love someone you don’t know personally, but I love you bc of all you stand for, and for your heart that wants to encourage and inspire us all. I’m grateful for PLANK.

  13. That’s excellent advice !! My eldest brother who was 49 just past away 2 weeks ago he had lung cancer stage 4. He never got check ups or went to a doctor he was a roofer so all those chemicals were so toxic. Basically I’m beating myself up thinking back if I would’ve noticed his cough or noticed something else I could’ve gotten him some help. The part about listen to your body is 100% right. I am super scared he went in to the hospital for 2 weeks and now he’s gone. I will be making those appointments ASAP. I must say I’m super lazy I never go to my doc app I really don’t do much of anything but after reading and watching this blog I will definitely try once I get out of this mourning period . I think you missed your calling you should have been a motivational speaker I’m not saying your not a great actress because from the looks of it you do everything well.

    • susan blackman

      I’m sorry about your brother ,my oldest brother also had stage 4 lung cancer and was also a roofer and he worked with chemicals everyday. He passed away quite a few yrs ago. He also never went to the Dr. I go every time I due for my checkups and tests. If something can be caught before it starts than do it. What a great blog Mary Beth.

      • Susan,
        Thank you for the kind words. I’m sorry for your loss too. Life isn’t always easy I’ve learned that the hard way. Whether you want it to life goes on with or without you. I guess time will heal everything .
        Thank you

    • Stacey AKA BraveWidowMama

      I’m so sorry for your loss. Grief is tough. Take your time and be kind to yourself.

      • Stacey,

        Thank you for the kind words it really is a hard time and I can’t help but feeling bad. It’s like there is a black cloud over my head I’m making everyone around me miserable. I like your advice I’m going to try and do just that take it easy on the grief try and be kind. It’s easier said then done but it won’t hurt to try .
        Thank you
        So very much

  14. Love this Mary Beth!
    Thanks for sharing your health tips with us! Your motivation for keeping up with health and beauty is inspiring 💙

    As a young adult with a few health problems that could become very serious, I have also recommitted myself this summer. I started working out and watching my diet and also have gone to the doctors to have tests and second opinions so that I can be as healthy as I can be! You are absolutely right, when you take care of yourself, you end up feeling amazing in the end, instead of sluggish!

    Would love to know how the vampire facial went! I’ve only ever talked to one other person whose done it!

  15. Excellent blog about the importance of taking care of yourself. As a former nurse I have seen the devastating effects of people who don’t. I have a chronic condition and in my teens I didn’t take that good care of myself and am now left with complications but I learned from that. I now make my health a top priority and as a result I am maintaining my health. I get up at 0400 to exercise and now it is just routine and I feel worse when I don’t. I also visit the doctor regularly even though I hate it. He usually has to ask me to sit down because he isn’t finished with me yet lol! It has been a hard lessoned learned but I thank you for this blog and hopefully it will inspire many♥

  16. I look forward to your plank! What a great testimony. We get to busy with kids and work and life to care for ourselves. Thanks for the reminder 😉

  17. Amy Rose

    I could relate to a lot of what you said today. I’m bad about taking the time to take care of myself, and need to do a better job of it.
    I feel better about myself when I do, and my stress level is a lot lower. Thank you for reminding me today that I need to take care of me for me and for my family.

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